All Works connects people who request quotes with workers who send quotes.When you enter All Works you will be able to use two main functions:Request quotes. You can create quote requests indicating what you need, so that the workers in your city can send you quotes. This way you will have the possibility to see and choose the budget that best suits your needs.Send quotes. You will be able to search for budget requests that users create according to your profession and workplace. Send them your quotes and wait for them to accept them to coordinate the work.In addition, All Works offers you the possibility that you can rate the user who offered you their service as well as the user who requested the service. With these ratings we will calculate the reputation of the users and thus achieve a serious and trustworthy community.All Works helps you with the needs that may arise in your daily life. Do you need to fix something in your house? Do you want to learn guitar? Did your car break down? All Works gives you the ability to connect with people who are knowledgeable and willing to offer you solutions.If you have some knowledge or feel that you are qualified to offer a service, with All Works you will reach many people and thus get started in your work. If you are already working, All Works helps you grow in your work environment since you see in real time what people are needing and thus offer your budgets directly and quickly. Your job opportunities will grow a lot!Link to privacy policies: